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Krabi Sunset

Phang Nga & Krabi



Adventure awaits with lots of mountains, scenery, waterfalls and hikes.  In 11 days we have climbed more trails and steps than in the last year, resulting in getting fitter (we hope).

The scenery is so stunning though, even just driving around (as long as you can ignore all the wires etc).  We found a local park that not many tourists go to which resulted in our participation in a Thai local selfie with intrepid travellers.  Inside the park had caves, stalactites and stalagmites and was very pretty and was an easy stroll around.  A couple of waterfalls nearby with short but steep climbs up to higher tiers were interesting although not spectacular.

Our accommodation in this area was pretty, from a shared area there were great views of the mountains and the gardens were well planted.

Unfortunately the room was damp and musty and very cramped. We actually left 2 days early in the end as we are too old to sit on a bed all day if it rains.  In the 3 days we were here though we saw a number of new birds, our favourite being a Little Spiderhunter.

Phang Nga National Park was on our visit list – not the islands as we had visited these in 1992 but the mangrove walk and grounds around the headquarters.  When we arrived the mangrove walk said “Sorry for inconvenience” and the gate was locked. But luckily a local told us just to walk round up on the board walk which we did.  Fantastic birds in here and we whiled away a couple of hours walking around.  We came back a second day and they tried to stop us entering but when we said we had been in the day before they let us go……

Weather pattern was different though and it was very devoid of activity but a nice walk anyway. On the other side of the park is a nature walk but the path was at a very odd angle (about 45%) and in bad repair.

Sadly many National Parks are not maintained very well.

A 4 day stay near Emerald Pool (We did not go there as we had been in 2004 with almost no tourists, now it is packed).  The area though is supposed to be great for birding, but the trails are so overgrown. Therefore we were not comfortable going far in alone – plus they were very boggy.  Luckily our accommodation grounds were amazing for birds, dragonflies and wildlife – they sometime have Slow Loris but we did not get to see one.

Travelling further south we managed to get a last minute booking at a hotel on  a beach and luckily had the only cheap(ish) room with a sea view.  We were staying here so we could do the infamous Khao Ngon Nak Nature Trail. Famous for people taking selfies with their legs dangling from a jutting cliff over many meters of fall.

It is known to be a tough hike so you need to start early.  They were not wrong, tough it was 3.7 kms one way and up 360 meters (10% incline average) of goat tracks complete with ropes on the really bad bits.  We were getting tired but onwards and upwards – not to be defeated by a walk/climb.

The views at the top were excellent – but no way were either of us were doing a selfie near the edge.  Photos are taken from a rock that actually slopes down towards the abyss and it was wet and slippery as it had rained all night.

Then of course we had to go down, down and more down – nearly as tough as going up – especially for me with short legs.  The Indian for lunch at the bottom was very much appreciated –we both had wobbly legs by then.

This is not the last of the tough walks.

Walking along the beach in the afternoon we came across an unusual phenomenon (at least to us) of thousands of crabs heading in groups towards the sea.

Anyway moving inland we were booked to stay in a lovely mountainous setting on the edge of a National Park. Stunning but low and behold the room itself was another steep climb up stone steps.  Although this was the most beautiful place we have stayed and the owners were so friendly and helpful we had to leave after one night.  Our bags got infested with ants (that bite) and the bed was so hard neither of us slept a wink.

Back to the coast and some relaxing beach time, but with a day out to do yet another walk.  This one was to the Tiger Cave Temple. Climb up 1260 steps (plus the 30 or so once you get to the top) incline average of 51.5% many steps were 14 inches high – again hard for short legs.

Exhausted by the end but again the views were incredible and there is a feeling of satisfaction to have been able to do it. A highlight being a very pretty Painted Bronzeback Treesnake.

Interestingly on all these walks we have only seen 2 people older than about 30. Both of them on the Tiger trail and one only just starting up and looked as if he would never make it.

A day spent between the sea and the pool with a massage was a great last day in the area. While Carol was having a massage Steve stayed on the room balcony to look for birds (and drinking beer). Steve has an issue with swimmers ears and could not hear properly. Hearing a rustle from behind he grabbed the camera thinking there was a bird only to be confronted by a very angry monkey hissing and growling at him. Quickly scaring it away and attracting some staff who shooed it out of the resort.

An unexpected event meant no sunset – South Thailand along with other places are now covered in smoke from the Indonesian fires.  Krabi schools were being shut and people being issued masks. Visibility is bad and the drive back to Phuket (200km) slow and no longer scenic as you could not see much.  No birding or photography today. 




Phang Nga – Khaowong Resort, early mornings over 2 days

Chestnut Headed Bee-eater
Chinese Blackbird
Little Bronze Cuckoo

Little Spiderhunter
Red Throated Sunbird
Rusty Breasted Cuckoo
Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker

Phang Nga National – Park Mangrove Walk – 2 early morning walks

Ashy Tailorbird
Black Hooded Oriole
Brown Winged Kingfisher

Common Flameback
Little Heron
Pied Wagtail
Straited Heron
Streak Breasted Woodpecker
White Chested Babbler

Phang Nga – Tha Klong Song Nam Mangrove Walk – early morning walk

Broad Billed Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Green Billed Malkoha
Olive Backed Sunbird

Pacific Reef Egret
Purple Heron

Phang Nga – Phenom Bencha National Park- early to mid morning walk

Blue Rock Thrush

Bronzed Drongo
Ferruginous Flycatcher

Oriental Magpie Robin
Racket Tailed Drongo
Red Throated Barbet
Scarlet Minivet
Stripe Throated Bulbul

Burmese Striped Squirrel

Monocled Cobra
Painted Bronzed Back Tree Snake
Various Frogs
Various Skinks

Phang Nga – Moracot Resort – general but mostly morning and evening over 4 days

Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Blue Eared Barbet

Blue Whistling Thrush
Brown Throated Sunbird
Chestnut Bulbul
Grey Capped Woodpecker
House Swallow
Lesser Coucal
Olive Winged Bulbul
Orange Bellied Flowerpecker
Rufous Piculet
Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker
Streak Breasted Woodpecker
Vernal Hanging Parrot
Yellow Vented Bulbul

Various Dragonflies & Butterflies

Water Monitor

Krabi – Tub Kaek Beach & Khao Ngon Nak Nature Trail – 8-10am

Asian Glossy Starling
Common Iora

Crimson Breasted Flowerpecker
Dark Necked Tailorbird
Eurasian Curlew
Large Billed Crow
Large Billed Sandpiper

Pallas’s Squirrel
Various Crabs

Surat Thani – Neenawat Resort – general over 1 night stay.

Coppersmith Barbet

Crimson Winged Woodpecker
Olive Winged Bulbul
Great Egret
White Bellied Sea Eagle
White Rumped Munia
White Throated Bulbul
Zebra Dove

Red Cheeked Squirrel




Khao Ngon Nak Nature Trail- Extremely steep and rough hike up 3.7km. Some of the trail is basically pull yourself up on a rope.  Wear good shoes. Takes 4 – 5 hours up and down – well worth it though, partly for the fun of the challenge but also the great views at the top.  Start off as soon as it opens in the morning to avoid the crowds.
Emerald Pools – We did not go in this time as had been to these pools in 2004 – stunning but wow, the number of vehicles in the car park made us glad we did it years ago.
Phang Nga National Park – We did not go out on any boat trips as we had been to the islands in 1992 (less people) but we did enjoy the Mangrove walk around Park HQ on 2 mornings.  Lots of birds around.  Early is by far the best time for the birds.
Phanom Bencha National Park – Best birding site we found in the region and also 2 lovely waterfalls.  The walks are not too long, but are rocky.  Wear good shoes.  We went early as usual but were still finding birds up to about 11 am.
Raman Waterfall – Easy short walk, lovely swimming hole.  We were here on a weekday mid morning and there was no one around.  Avoid weekends.
 Somdet Phra Srinagarindra Park – Lovely park for a stroll, interesting rock formations.
Tha Pom Klong Song Nam Mangrove Forest – Fantastic for birds, early.  They do not open till 9am which is a great shame as there were lots of birds prior to that and then it quietened down.  
Wat Suwan Kuha – Golden Buddah and Monkeys, very touristy but worth a look if passing.


Tham Thong Lang Viewpoint – Great lookout from a tower.
Tiger Cave – Very steep climb.  1260 steps up (and more at the top).  Some steps are 14 inches high.  Amazing view and a great challenge.  You can just go and look at the temples at the bottom without needing to climb.




Anyavee Resort, Ao Nang.  1 night 900B. Dated, strange shower system.  Nice location but noisy as roads both sides of the resort.

Khaowong Resort. Booked for 5 nights, only stayed 3.  700B per night  Lovely location but you need transport to get into town for food – or a long walk in the rain. Lady running it speaks no English and it took us 2 full days to get the wifi password.  Small musty rooms.  Ok if good weather but not in the rainy season.

Tub Kaek Sunset Beach Resort. 2 nights 2594B per night, bungalow with beach view.  Lovely resort in off season when cheaper as very empty. 2 pools, great bit of beach, lovely bungalows. 

Neenlawat Riverside Resort, Surat Thani . 1 night 664B.  Lovely setting on the river, very friendly and helpful staff, good size bungalows.

Krabi Resort. 4 night 1060B per night for a Luxury Grand Room. Directly on the beach, large resort, 2 huge pools.  Lovely setting and location. Great when quiet in off season and you can get good deals. Other rooms are cheaper.

Morakot Resort. Emerald Pools,  5 nights. No online booking, we just rocked up. 500B per night for the larger newer bungalows.  Great place for birds and wildlife – so much in the grounds and many trails (although a bit overgrown while we were there).  10 mins from Emerald Pools.

Phenom Bencha Mountain Resort, Booked 5, stayed 1.  488B per night.  The place is absolutely stunning,  owners were wonderful but for us the beds were far too hard and we could not sleep.  (If we had paid direct not through booking the owner would have refunded us).  Also due to the heavy rain the cabins were too small to sit inside for long periods – we woul have loved this place when we were a little younger.  Now we need a bit more comfort.




          Genesis Garden.  Cheap and reasonable food.  90B up. 
        Service station food stalls, great food, average 60B.

        Market opposite Krabi Resort, excellent food, many choices. 60B up.  .

          Sunset Beach Resort.  Good food for a resort.  200B up.

          Royal Tandoor.  Excellent Indian, the best in a long time. 220B up.




        200B each.

         2 weeks from National 400B per day.
         Scooter 200B per day.

         29B per litre.

         100 upwards for a large beer in a restaurant.
          60 for a large beer from a supermarket.
          Bottle of local whiskey. or vodka from supermarket 300

         Average 1 hour oil 300B.